On nice days, especially in summer, I like to take a leisurely walk down the promenade overlooking the verdant valley that runs through almost the middle of our city of Edmonton. Along with the scenic beauty, I enjoy the fresh air and the relative peace and tranquility of an almost country atmosphere as the promenade is off the busy thoroughfare of bustling city traffic that seems muted and distant here. Many people utilize this area to just sit and bask in the sun on one of the countless benches along the promenade, for walking or running for their own personal exercise, or for walking their pets . It is our little piece of Eden within an urban setting and we all love it.
The other day, I had the pleasure of a very unique experience of seeing someone who was walking his pet - a tortoise - an African Desert Tortoise. It was a most fascinating sight. Absolutely beautiful! As you can imagine, this pet attracted the attention of just about everyone that happened to be on the promenade that afternoon. That turtle was at least two feet long and probably about eighteen inches high. it just ambled along slowly, oblivious to the admiration of his bedazzled fan club. The owner said it was fourteen years old and he had had it since it was tiny enough to fit in the palm of his hand.
You just never know who you will run into on the Promenade!
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