Thursday, 20 February 2014

Lifestyle Options

Making Your Life Count

I was talking to a very cynical lady the other day and she was telling me how used to used to like to write poetry at one time but she quit writing because she found it too costly to submit poetry to magazines and contests. She did have some poetry published in a few anthologies but it did not yield any substantial financial rewards, so she just gave up writing poetry altogether.  She is retired and lives in a one-bedroom apartment so I asked her what she does for a hobby or for a pastime now and she said she spends her time "just watching TV".

Personally, I have nothing against TV, but I do think it is a waste of time if it keeps you from engaging in some activity that can give you pleasure - or if it prevents you from utilizing some talent - unique or simple. My belief is that you owe it to yourself to utilize all of your God-given talents. To me, wasting a talent is not an option, regardless of its unique or simple qualities. Submitting your work to magazines or contests should not be the only reason to write (or paint pictures, or do carvings or  exploit whatever other talent you may have). A compilation of your work, in whatever form, can still be appreciated - even if it is only by you and your family or friends. In the meantime you have indulged your very own  talents to  create something uniquely your own   (writing, painting, carving, sewing, knitting, etc. etc. etc.)   "Giving up" keeps you from filling a very basic human need - that of feeling worthy and validated! And that does not even include the pleasure you get from doing it!

Hobbies are the passions that add the spice to your meal and the icing on your cake!

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