Friday, 14 February 2014

Weather Worries???

Happy Valentines Day

Guess what!  We're into the the middle of February! The worst of winter should be over.  We should be on the downhill slide toward spring, and today, at least, we are above 30 below! So  we ARE making progress!  Nonetheless, in my opinion, it is not the cold that is the worst of our problems.  It is the ice on the roads and on the streets that is causing pain where we don't need it.

We were gloating in January when our temperatures soared high over various places throughout the southern United States and other places that regularly put one over on us with their  "reasonable" climate.  It was a genuine "AHA" moment.  But it just proved we should never gloat!

We are now paying a dear price for that unusually warm January.  That melt left us with skating rinks where we did not want them. We are paying dearly for our gloating. But I see on the news that the States are still not done with what almost seems like some kind of punishment or something.  We can truly empathize with Atlanta. Been there, done that, though I think we are somewhat more equipped to handle such storms, being on the receiving end of them rather more often.  So you do have our sympathy.

The only comfort I can offer you is the one that consoles me during difficult winters: "THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS!"  (In the meantime, we simply grin and bear it.)

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